Workless couples' labour market transitions

[ employment-and-welfare  modelling-and-descriptives  ]

To inform the development of policies designed to reduce levels of household worklessness, this project used the Longitudinal Labour Force Survey to show the extent to which such households moved between different economic states over the course of a year. In addition to describing such movements, econometric models were estimated in order to identify characteristics associated with moving between states. Information on benefit receipt was also used to focus specifically on those households targeted by the New Deal for Partners.


Bonjour, D. and Dorsett, R. (2002) New Deal for Partners: characteristics and labour market transitions of eligible couples Working Age Evaluation Report 134

Dorsett, R. (2001) Workless couples: modelling labour market transitions Employment Service Report 98

Dorsett, R. (2001) Workless couples: characteristics and labour market transitions Employment Service Report 79


Department for Work and Pensions