Older workers' transitions
This report uses 1993-2003 survey data from the Longitudinal Labour Force Survey to describe the characteristics of the over-50s and to examine their transitions between four labour market states: employment; unemployment; inactivity with some desire to work; and inactivity with no desire to work. As well descriptive statistics, duration models and Markov models are used to examine the persistence of individuals’ circumstances, as captured by estimates of state dependence and duration dependence.
Cappellari, L., Dorsett, R. and Haile, G. (2010) State dependence and unobserved heterogeneity in the employment transitions of the over-50s Empirical Economics 38 (3): 523-554
Cappellari, L., Dorsett, R. and Haile, G. (2005) Labour market transitions among the over-50s DWP Research Report 296
Department for Work and Pensions