Evaluation of New Zealand's Working for Families programme

[ employment-and-welfare  difference-in-differences  duration-analysis  ]

Over the period October 2004 to April 2007, the New Zealand government introduced substantial changes to in-work incentives and financial support for families with dependent children as part of the Working for Families (WFF) package. This project estimated the impact of these changes on employment and benefit receipt outcomes for sole parents. The employment impacts used a difference-in-differences approach applied to data from the Household Labour Force Survey. Duration analysis, applied to administrative data, was used to estimate the impact on movements off and on benefit.


Dalgety, J., Dorsett, R., Johnston, S. and Spier, P. (2010) Employment incentives for sole parents: Labour market effects of changes to financial incentives and support Tax reform in open economies in Claus, I., Gemmell, N., Harding, M. and White, D. (eds.) Tax Reform in Open Economies (Edward Elgar)

Dalgety, J., Dorsett, R., Johnston, S. and Spier, P. (2010) Employment incentives for sole parents: Labour market effects of changes to financial incentives and support Technical report Ministry of Social Development and Inland Revenue, Wellington: New Zealand


New Zealand Ministry of Social Development