- Machine learning and impact heterogeneity Investigating the potential of machine learning methods for identifying impact variation in randomised control trials
- Evaluation of SAFE (Support, Attend, Fulfil, Exceed) Taskforces Evaluating impact of SAFE (Support, Attend, Fulfil, Exceed) taskforces on serious violence and engagement with education
- Evaluation of alternative provision specialist taskforce Evaluating whether teams of specialists within alternative provision settings increases engagement with education
- Youth custody - Educational influences and labour market consequences How aspects of education affect the probability of youth custody and the effect of custody on the school-to-work transition
- Evaluation of National Tutoring Programme Evaluating the impact of Tuition Partners and Academic Mentors on pupil attainment
- Supervision of Designated Safeguarding Leads in schools Randomised trials of the impact of providing social workers to supervise Designated Safeguarding Leads in schools
- Using Research Tools to Improve Language in the Early Years Using Research Tools to Improve Language in the Early Years
- Embedding Formative Assessment randomised control trial Evaluation of a professional development programme encouraging teachers to structure learning around evidence of pupils' progress
- Mathematical Reasoning randomised control trial Evaluating the impact on attainment of an intervention to enhance understanding of the mathematics fundamentals
- Improving Working Memory randomised control trial Evaluating the effect of a working memory intervention on attainment among low-achieving primary school children
- Changing pattern of youth labour market transitions Describing the changing nature of young people's experiences post-school leaving age over the past 30 years.
- Intergenerational Dynamics in Learning Engagement, Life Chances and Well-Being of Young People An examining of intergenerational transmission of education and, separately, a consideration of variations in subjective well-being by ethnicity and migration ancestry.
- Evaluation of Traineeships Evaluating the impact of Traineeships on young people's learning and employment outcomes
- Programme of research into adult English and Maths Evaluating the relative effectiveness of blended learning and face-to-face tuition on skills; examination of skills gain and loss following training
- Parental engagement intervention randomised control trial Evaluating the effect of a parental engagement intervention on child attainment
- Using administrative data to measure FE outcomes Assessment of whether administrative data can replace surveys used to measure labour market outcomes from training
- The school to work transition Visualising young people's early labour market transitions and estimating the importance of experience
- Lifelong learning Estimating the returns to gaining a qualification when age 25 or over
- Evaluation of Work-Based Learning for Adults Evaluating the employment and earnings effects of a training programme for benefit claimants
- Evaluation of New Deal for Young People Evaluating the relative effects of the New Deal for Young People "Options"