- Bakhshi, H. and Dorsett, R. (2023) Job Mobility in and Around the Creative Economy Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence DP 2023-18 [project page]
- Dorsett, R., Cockett, J. Gould, M. Gray, H. (2023) Can Individual Placement and Support work at scale? [project page]
- Dorsett, R. and Thomson, D. (2022) The impact of incarceration on the early labour market outcomes of children in care [project page]
- Dorsett, R., Gorman, E, Morando, G. Oppedisano, V. and Zhang, M. (2022) School peers’ ability and youth custody [project page]
- Bowyer, A., Dorsett, R. and Thomson, D. (2022) The school to work transition for young people who experience custody [project page]
- Dorsett, R. and Hug, J. (2022) Local variations in the labour market impact of COVID-19 Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence DP 2022-18 [project page]
- Bowyer, A. and Dorsett, R. (2022) What has been the Impact of COVID-19 on Self-employment Relative to Paid Employment in the UK? Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence DP 2022-19 [project page]
- Dorsett, R. and Hug, J. (2022) Using UK Tax Records to Produce New Statistics on Labour Market Transitions Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence DP 2022-10 [project page]
- Dorsett, R., and Stokes, L. (2019) Pre-apprenticeship training for young people: estimating the marginal and average treatment effects University of Westminster working paper 2019/003 [project page]
- Dorsett, R., Rienzo, C. and Weale, M. (2018) Censoring and Instrumental Variable Estimation: Biases in Estimates of the Relationship between Father’s and Children’s Years of Education University of Westminster working paper 2018/006 [project page]
- Dorsett, R., Hendra, R., Robins, P. And Williams, S. (2015) Can Post-Employment Services Combined with Financial Incentives Improve Employment Retention for Welfare Recipients? Evidence from the Texas Employment Retention and Advancement Evaluation [project page]
- Dorsett, R. and Lucchino, P. (2015) The school-to-work transition: an overview of two recent studies [project page]
- Dorsett, R. and Oswald, A. (2016) Human well-being and in-work benefits: a randomized controlled trial Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) discussion paper 7943 [project page]