- Newton, N., Gloster, R., Dorsett, R., Cockett, J., Gooch, B., Benson, A., Crowley, J. and Windle, K. (2023) Evaluation of the Health-led Employment Trials: Trialling Individual Placement and Support for a new cohort: implementation and 4-month outcomes report DWP research report no. 1033. [project page]
- Dorsett, R., Cockett, J. Gould, M. Gray, H., Muir, D., Newton, B. and Gloster, R. (2023) Health-led Employment Trial Evaluation 12-month outcomes report: Estimates of the impact of IPS over 12 months DWP research report no. 1034. [project page]
- Stokes, L., Runge, J., Rostron, J., Dorsett, R., Boshoff, J., da Silva Marioni, L., Zuniga-Montanez, C., Harvey, M., Stockland, K., Aleynikova, E., Manzoni, C., Stockland, K., Aleynikova, E. and Manzoni, C. (2023) Supervising Designated Safeguarding Leads in Primary Schools What Works for Children’s Social Care report [project page]
- Stokes, L., Runge, J., Rostron, J., Dorsett, R., da Silva Marioni, L., Boshoff, J., Manzoni, C., Aleynikova, E., Harvey, M. and Zuniga-Montanez, C. (2023) Supervision of Designated Safeguarding Leads: Greater Manchester Combined Authority What Works for Children’s Social Care report [project page]
- Stokes, L., Runge, J., Stockland, K., Dorsett, R., Boshoff, J., da Silva Marioni, L., Harvey, M., Aleynikova, E., Rostron, J., Zuniga-Montanez, C. and Manzoni, C. (2023) Supervising Designated Safeguarding Leads in Schools: Focus on Child Sexual Abuse What Works for Children’s Social Care report [project page]
- Dorsett, R., Bowyer, A., Gorman, E., Morando, G., Oppedisano, V., Zhang, M., Thomson, D., Cathro, C., Tagliaferri, G., Sutherland, A., Dickson, M., Machin, S., McNally, S. and Ruiz-Valenzuela, J. (2023) Youth custody: Educational influences and labour market consequences [project page]
- Roy, P., Oppedisano, V., Smith, A., Zhang, M., Lord, P., Marden R., Styles, B. and Dorsett, R. (2022) Evaluation of Year 1 of the Academic Mentoring Programme: Impact Evaluation for Year 11 London: Education Endowment Foundation. [project page]
- Poet, H., Oppedisano, V., Zhang, M., Lord, P., Styles, B. and Dorsett, R. (2022) Evaluation of Year 1 of the Tuition Partners Programme: Impact Evaluation for Primary Schools London: Education Endowment Foundation. [project page]
- Oppedisano, V., Poet, H., Zhang, M., Lord P., Styles, B. and Dorsett, R. (2022). Evaluation of Year 1 of the Tuition Partners Programme: Impact Evaluation for Year 11 London: Education Endowment Foundation. [project page]
- Stokes, L., Dorsett, R., Manzoni, C., Runge, J. and Xu, L. (2021) Supervision of Designated Safeguarding Leads in Primary Schools in Bolton What Works for Children’s Social Care report [project page]
- Wright, H., Carr, D., Wiese, J., Stokes, L., Runge, J., Dorsett, R., Heal, J. and Anders, J. (2020) URLEY Education Endowment Foundation evaluation report [project page]
- Wright, H., Dorsett, R., Anders, J., Buzzeo, J., Runge, J. and Sanders, M. (2019) Improving Working Memory Education Endowment Foundation evaluation report [project page]
- Dorsett, R., Gray, H., Speckesser, S. and Stokes, L. (2019) Estimating the impact of Traineeships Department for Education Research Report 919 [project page]
- Stokes, L., Hudson-Sharp, N., Dorsett, R., Rolfe, H., Anders, J., George, A., Buzzeo, J. and Munro-Lott, N. (2018) Mathematical Reasoning Education Endowment Foundation evaluation report [project page]
- Panayiotou, S. Boulden, K., Kyriakopoulos, G., Dorsett, R. and Boyle, A. (2018) Quantitative programme of research for adult English and maths Longitudinal survey of adult learners: technical report of the longitudinal survey of adult learners Department for Education Research Report 795 [project page]
- Anders, J., Dorsett, R. and Stokes, L. (2018) The relative effectiveness of blended versus face to-face adult English and maths learning Department for Education Research Report 794 [project page]
- Panayiotou, S., Boulden, K., Dorsett, R. and Boyle, A. (2018) Quantitative programme of research for adult English and maths Longitudinal survey of adult learners: local authority comparison report Department for Education Research Report 793 [project page]
- Panayiotou, S., Hingley, S., Boulden, K., Kyriakopoulos, G., Romanou, E., Dorsett, R., Anders, J. Stokes, L., Weale, W., Smith, J. and Boyle, A. (2018) Quantitative programme of research for adult English and maths Longitudinal survey of adult learners: final research report Department for Education Research Report 792 [project page]
- Panayiotou, S., Hingley, S., Boulden, K., Kyriakopoulos, G., Romanou, E., Dorsett, R., Anders, J., Stokes, L., Weale, M., Smith, J. and Boyle, A. (2018) Quantitative programme of research for adult English and maths Longitudinal survey of adult learners: waves 1 and 2 Department for Education Research Report 791 [project page]
- Anders, J. and Dorsett, R. (2017) Peterborough social impact bond: final report on cohort 2 analysis Ministry of Justice Report [project page]
- Anders, J. and Dorsett, R. (2017) Peterborough social impact bond: methodological review of the cohort 1 analysis Ministry of Justice Report [project page]
- Dorsett, R. (2017) Peterborough social impact bond: learning exercise Ministry of Justice Report [project page]
- Dorsett, R. and Lucchino, P. (2016) Work Programme: factors associated with differences in the relative effectiveness of prime providers DWP ad hoc research report no. 26 [project page]
- Speckesser, S., Anders, J., De Coulon, A., Dorsett, R., Espinoza Bustos, H., Kirchner Sala, L. and Nafilyan, V. (2015) Empirical research on Youth Transitions to, and within the labour market BIS Research Paper 255 [project page]
- Dorsett, R., Rienzo, C., Rolfe, H., Burns, H., Robertson, B., Thorpe, B. and Wall, K. (2014) Mind the Gap EEF report [project page]
- Sally McManus, Alice Mowlam, Richard Dorsett, Stephen Stansfeld, Charlotte Clark, Victoria Brown, Ivonne Wollny, Nilifer Rahim, Gareth Morrell, Jenny Graham, Rachel Whalley, Lucy Lee and Howard Meltzer (2012) Mental health in context: the national study of worksearch and wellbeing DWP Research Report 810 [project page]
- Dorsett, R. and Lucchino, P. (2012) Chapter in ACEVO report ACEVO Report Youth unemployment: the crisis we cannot afford [project page]
- Bewley, H. and Dorsett, R.(2011) Using administrative data to measure employment outcomes following further education Unpublished BIS report [project page]
- Dorsett, R., Rolfe, H. and George, A. (2011) The Jobseeker’s Allowance Skills Conditionality Pilot DWP Research Report 768 [project page]
- Hendra, R., Riccio, J., Dorsett, R., Greenberg, D., Knight, G., Phillips, J., Robins, P., Vegeris, S. and Walter, J., with Hill, A., Ray, K. and Smith, J. (2011) Breaking the low-pay, no-pay cycle: Final evidence from the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration DWP Research Report 765 [project page]
- Dorsett, R. and Robins, P. (2011) In-work support for lone parents: using the UK ERA demonstration to examine cross-office variation in effectiveness Department for Work and Pensions Working Paper No 105 [project page]
- Dalgety, J., Dorsett, R., Johnston, S. and Spier, P. (2010) Employment incentives for sole parents: Labour market effects of changes to financial incentives and support Technical report Ministry of Social Development and Inland Revenue, Wellington: New Zealand [project page]
- Dorsett, R. Metcalf, H. and Rolfe, H. with Bewley, H., Dhudwar, A., George, A. and Hopkin, R. (2010) The Better-off in Work Credit: Incentives and experiences DWP Research Report 637 [project page]
- Bewley, H. and Dorsett, R. (2009) The impact of Pathways to Work on the under 25s DWP Working Paper 65 [project page]
- Bewley, H., Dorsett, R. and Salis, S. (2009) The impact of Pathways to Work on work, earnings and self-reported health in the April 2006 expansion areas DWP Research Report 601 [project page]
- Miller, C., Bewley, H., Campbell-Barr, V., Dorsett, R., Hamilton, G., Hoggart, L., Homonoff, T., Marsh, A., Ray, K., Riccio, J. and Vegeris, S. (2008) Implementation and second-year impacts for New Deal 25 Plus customers in the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration DWP Research Report 520 [project page]
- Riccio, J., Bewley, H., Campbell-Barr, V., Dorsett, R., Hamilton, G., Hoggart, L., Marsh, A., Miller, C., Ray, K. and Vegeris, S. (2008) Implementation and second-year impacts for lone parents in the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration DWP Research Report 489 [project page]
- Bewley, H., Dorsett, R. and Ratto, M. (2008) Evidence on the effect of Pathways to Work on existing claimants DWP Research Report 488 [project page]
- Dorsett, R. (2008) Pathways to Work for new and repeat incapacity benefits claimants: evaluation synthesis report DWP Research Report 525 [project page]
- Bewley, H., Dorsett, R. and Salis, S. (2008) The impact of Pathways on benefit receipt in the expansion areas DWP Research Report 552 [project page]
- Dorsett, R. and Smeaton, D. (2008) Mandating Intensive Activity Period for jobseekers aged 50+: final report of the quantitative evaluation DWP Research Report 500 [project page]
- Dorsett, R., Campbell-Barr, V., Hamilton, G., Hoggart, L., Marsh, A., Miller, C., Phillips, J., Ray, K., Riccio, J., Rich, S. and Vegeris, S. (2007) Implementation and first year impacts of the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration DWP Research Report 412 [project page]
- Bewley, H., Dorsett, R. and Haile, G. (2007) The impact of Pathways to Work DWP Research Report 435 [project page]
- Dorsett, R., Haile, G. and Speckesser, S. (2006) Work-focused Interviews for Partners (WFIP) and enhanced New Deal for Partners (NDP): quantitative impact assessment DWP Research Report 352 [project page]
- Dorsett, R. and Speckesser, S. (2006) Mandating IAP for older New Dealers: an interim report of the quantitative evaluation DWP Research Report 362 [project page]
- Cappellari, L., Dorsett, R. and Haile, G. (2005) Labour market transitions among the over-50s DWP Research Report 296 [project page]
- Bewley, H. and Dorsett, R. (2005) [Joint Claims Age Range Extension - Quantitative Evaluation - Survey Report DWP Research Report 215 [project page]
- Bewley, H., Dorsett, R., and Thomas, A. (2005) Joint Claims for JSA - synthesis of findings DWP Research Report 235 [project page]
- Dorsett, R. (2005) Joint Claims for JSA Extension - quantitative evaluation of labour market effects DWP working paper 22 [project page]
- Dorsett, R. and Kasparova, D. (2004) Low-moderate income couples and the labour market DWP working paper no. 15 [project page]
- Anderson, T., Dorsett, R., Hales, J., Lissenburgh, S., Pires, C. and Smeaton, D. (2004) Work-based learning for adults: an evaluation of labour market effects DWP Report 187 [project page]
- Bryson, A., Dorsett, R. and Purdon, S. (2002) The use of propensity score matching in the evaluation of active labour market policies DWP Working Paper No.4 [project page]
- Bonjour, D. and Dorsett, R. (2002) New Deal for Partners: characteristics and labour market transitions of eligible couples Working Age Evaluation Report 134 [project page]
- Bonjour, D., Dorsett, R., Knight, G. and Lissenburgh, S. (2002) Joint Claims for JSA - quantitative evaluation of labour market effects Working Age Evaluation Report 117 [project page]
- Marsh, A., Stephenson, A, Dorsett, R. and Elias, P. (2001) Earnings Top-up evaluation: effects on low-paid workers DSS Research Report 134 [project page]
- Smith, A., Dorsett, R. and McKnight, A. (2001) Earnings Top-up evaluation: effects on unemployed people DSS Research Report 131 [project page]
- Bonjour, D., Dorsett, R., Knight, G., Lissenburgh, S., Mukherjee, A., Payne, J., Range, M., Urwin, P., White, M. (2001) New Deal for Young People: national survey of participants: stage 2 Employment Service Report 67 [project page]
- Dorsett, R. (2001) Workless couples: modelling labour market transitions Employment Service Report 98 [project page]
- Dorsett, R. (2001) Workless couples: characteristics and labour market transitions Employment Service Report 79 [project page]
- Bonjour, D., Dorsett, R. and Knight, G. (2001) Joint Claims for JSA - quantitative survey stage 1 - potential claimants Employment Service Report 94 [project page]
- Dorsett, R. (1998) Ethnic minorities in the inner city Policy Press, Bristol [project page]
- Dorsett, R., Finlayson, L., Ford, R., Marsh, A., White, M. and Zarb, G. (1998) Leaving Incapacity Benefit DSS Research Report 86 [project page]
- Dorsett, R. and Marsh, A. (1998) The health trap: poverty, smoking and lone parenthood Policy Studies Institute, London. [project page]